Open Foresight


Open Foresight is a collective sensemaking process developed in collaboration with my colleagues Alvis Brigis and John Smart. It blends media production with the field of futures studies, creating an updated model for harvesting collective insight, generating scenarios, and creating strategic roadmaps into the future.

Our pilot project to employ the framework was The Future of Facebook, a 6-part video series. We used the STEEP forecasting methodology, and explored the risks and opportunities of massive social network platforms through the lenses of Society, Technology, Environment, Economics, and Politics.

We were interviewed on BBC and FastForward Radio about the Open Foresight process, and published an article about it in the Journal of Futures Studies.

Here are posts documenting the unfolding of that project:

Announcing: Open Foresight & the Future of Facebook Project
5 Key Issues Impacting the Future of Facebook
What is Open Foresight?
Open Foresight on BBC Radio!
Future of Facebook & Open Foresight on FastForward Radio
What is the Biggest Threat to Facebook?
The Bank of Facebook: Currency, Identity, Reputation
Facebook: The Social Accelerator?
Is Facebook a Liberator or the Man?
Future of Facebook Project Launch on
Telcos become banks. Facebook next?

And here’s the 6-part series. The website we created for the project can be found at


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