
i didn’t want this day to end without having taken a serious look at where i have been in the past year and when i want to go next. i criticize myself horribly and never feel like i’m doing enough, so i decided to do a review of the past 12 months and show myself a bit of kindness and gratitude for what i *did* manage to accomplish. i feel insanely optimistic about 2012 being the year i finally align my energy and passion and go supernova.

so, here’s where i’ve been so far in 2011, and the experiences i plan to share with you this epic year of 2012. 🙂



– launched Future of Facebook Project (FOFB) with futurist friend & colleague Alvis Brigis
– asked by Douglas Rushkoff to help him organize a conference/bazaar/festival to feature and promote social technologies to shape the world; this became the Contact Summit (aka ContactCon)
– started thinking about the Resilient City Project


– got to interview amazing thought leaders & people I respect in the tech industry for FOFB project – Howard Rheingold, Kevin Kelly, Doc Searls, Om Malik, Brett King, JP Rangaswami, to name a few
– started learning about wireless mesh networks


– announced Future of Facebook Project & Open Foresight framework to the public
interview on BBC radio about Open Foresight framework
interview on FastForward Radio about Future of Facebook Project & Open Foresight
– started noticing the emergence of a superfluid economy
spoke at SOFA event in NYC hosted by SWIFT/Innotribe


– wrote post about Future of Facebook Project on CNN.com
– did a 2 week roadtrip/camping trip through Rocky Mountain, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Glacier, & Banff National Parks (pics)
made a mixtape
envisioned a ‘superhero school’ for Beacon (now conceived as a ‘Collaboratory’)
went to an amazing fusion event to shift myself into action-orientation in life
– did a deep dive into self-analysis tools
facilitated my first 2-day retreat in Mill Valley, CA
– went on enlightening ‘blazing wisdom’ dzogchen buddhist retreat in vermont
– got halfway through blog series that will become a book in 2012 about the creative economy
started a wikito build database of tools, methodologies & practices to bootstrap business ventures, incubate ideas, and impact lasting systemic change in our systems & institutionsphew!ok, looking at it like this actually makes me feel like i’ve done a lot since my december 2010 grad school graduation.now, on to 2012! intentions i have:1. “Upgrade” blog – i’d like to start having guest posters and to create more focused themes about the creative economy. (ie – future of work, future of money, dialogue & junto, lifehacks, etc.) also plan to set up a ‘patronage’ section for those that want to support my artistic expression via monthly donation. also need to give options of how people can retain my services – speaking, advisory, research. plan to do this by end of january.

2. Thought Architecture Newsletter – been wondering for a long time if people would pay $ to have access to a daily (or bi-weekly) newsletter where i basically write about my creative process and insights that come to me. (may also do short 1-3 minute videos of me just riffing on stuff.). putting together a format and plan to begin this by end of january.

3. Monthly Public Online Juntos – using buzzumi.com, plan to do a livestream Junto on either a once a week basis or once a month basis. will consist of 4 people total engaged in generative dialogue around a particular topic area or deep dive question (ie – asking 3 experts in local food sustainability to talk about their projects and learnings; or getting more specific – what are the cultural and cognitive/emotional shifts that need to take place, in your experience, in order to impact lasting systemic innovation and change?). starting 2nd week of january.

4. Continue to Build & Support the Next Edge community – earlier this year, i helped start an online community (dubbed “The Next Edge”) consisting of systems innovators and change agent. now we have over 1,300 members. i want to continue to surface the community’s needs and provide solutions.

5. Write a Book – working title: Superfluid.; story about creative economy 3.0. it’s happening right now. plan to integrate the ‘12 essential skills for 21st century survival’ blog series into it.

6. Build a ‘Platform’ for Creative Economy 3.0 – how does this nation of creative entrepreneurs and freelancers get paid, while doing work born of passion and bounded by commitment, creating solutions that often become gifts/assets of the commons, and still get paid a sustainable income? huge nut to crack. been talking to several hundred smart people about how to make this happen. i believe we can, and the time is now.

7. Launch Resilient City Project – title i chose just to frame my own involvement and tracking of how to help make Beacon a national/international example of a resilient city. already tons going on here. want to have some sort of online site (purchased beacondashboard.com a while back, as well as resilientcityproject.com) where we could make transparent all the amazing things already happening in our city and the Hudson Valley region….. then a way to show projects that are launching or in formation (for example, working with Stowe Boyd right now to launch a Food Coop in our city. i plan to be documenting that process so people are aware/can follow how we did it.)

8. Open a Collaboratory – this may be too ambitious to happen in 2012, but i want to make serious progress towards opening a live/work hacker/maker/sustainability innovation center in beacon. i already found a gorgeous building and location.

9. Committed Yoga Practice – i find that i function at my highest levels when i go to yoga at least 4-5 times a week. keeps me grounded, mentally clear, and physically toned. and gets me out of the house. and gets me interacting with actual humans in meatspace. all good things.

10. Medicine Spiral Training – i committed to a 16 month medicine spiral training, designed to pass on spiritual/facilitation methods/teachings from the andean peruvian tradition. a bit of woo to it, but fundamentally it communicates universal principles of life, understanding and creation. it’s about healing work. i love it. i’m way into concepts of ‘shamanic leadership’

11. Dzogchen Tibetan Buddhism Practice – i just attended my first dzogchen buddhist retreat a few weeks ago and found it really inspiring and valuable for learning how to practice conscious awareness and take note of and remedy ‘cognitive obfuscations and afflictive emotions.’ the philosophies are very aligned with the way i currently think.

12. Go to Vegas, Grand Canyon & Bryce National Park – we try to do a national parks roadtrip every year. this will be spring break 2012.

13. Go to Croatia & Latvia – ah, the homeland. i haven’t been back in over 10 years and the family wants me to come for a visit. so july 2012, trip up the adriatic coast of croatia to explore and reconnect to the roots. then off to husband’s homeland, latvia.

14. Lifehacking – ok, so all this stuff isn’t going to just happen on its own. i need to become uber-effective and Get Shit Done [GSD] while still having fun and playing infinite games. i will be documenting the techniques i discover to make this work for me.

And that’s “it!”

Very ambitious year for me, but all feels completely do-able, interconnected, and timely.

What are your reflections of the past year and goals for your near future?