
(documenting creative entrepreneurship retreat; click to view day 1 & day 2)

Today will be a double post day, since I didn’t get a chance to post last night. Yesterday was surprisingly calm and peaceful after Tuesday’s day of anxiety. It gave me a bit of a personal insight when I realized I waste a lot of energy being apprehensive about things that are not nearly as stressful in actuality as I build them up to be in my head. Anyway, I ended up spending yesterday mostly preparing pages in the journal for what comes next.

We also went through an exercise to look through the “takeaways” we’d written so far, pick one, and do a series of “What if…” questions to unpack them. We did one example together as a group to get warmed up. The prompt someone suggested was “I can be the product.”

Then I just got kind of inspired to do a page based on this article I read the other day from a Buddhist magazine, Tricycle. It was about paramis, or “practices that can lead one to the perfection of certain virtuous or ennobling qualities.” It just felt appropriate.

Then decided that I do in fact not like pastels, so painted over the ‘creative entrepreneur mandala’ with some hues that were more agreeable, and started filling out the information on it in the ‘heart & meaning’ and ‘gifts & flow’ sections.

And finally, we ventured into town for an evening of street tacos, random art, magaritas, and a serenade!

Today has been kick-ass so far, I’m so excited to post later. We’re now getting into opportunity exploration and value proposition, and seeing how our inner passions can manifest into profitable and sustainable career paths.

Stay tuned….